Do you have excellent progress in therapy but when you get around certain people you find that you have still have physical issues?

When the people around us are not supportive of the positive changes in our lives they may try to pull us back into mindsets and behaviors that kept us sick.

Through empowering you with my Focus 4 Approach, you are able to create a life you do not need to escape from.

My Focus 4 Approach is (1) Self-Advocacy, (2) Somatic Peace, (3) Dignity Preserving Conflict Resolution, and (4) Emotion Regulation and Expression.

With the Focus 4 Approach, physical peace is a reality, important relationships are preserved, and a life you are excited to live is created.

Katie Green PsyD (c), mental health consultant and founder of Hope Reignited Consulting works with women of adult children of family dysfunction and neurodivergent women. Neurodivergent means Autistic people, people with ADHD, ADD, Learning Differences, and Sensory Needs. Katie is committed to helping neurodivergent women in leadership create a life they do not need to escape from.


Do you have excellent progress in therapy but when you get around certain people you find that you have still have physical issues?

When the people around us are not supportive of the positive changes in our lives they may try to pull us back into mindsets and behaviors that kept us sick.

Through empowering you with my Focus 4 Approach, you are able to create a life you do not need to escape from.

My Focus 4 Approach is (1) Self-Advocacy, (2) Somatic Peace, (3) Dignity Preserving Conflict Resolution, and (4) Emotion Regulation and Expression.

With the Focus 4 Approach, physical peace is a reality, important relationships are preserved, and a life you are excited to live is created.

Katie Green PsyD (c), mental health consultant and founder of Hope Reignited Consulting works with women of adult children of family dysfunction and neurodivergent women. Neurodivergent means Autistic people, people with ADHD, ADD, Learning Differences, and Sensory Needs. Katie is committed to helping neurodivergent women in leadership create a life they do not need to escape from.

Clarity, Confidence, Consistency

In your journey for creating a life you're excited about living, having a proven pathway to peace is important.

At Hope Reignited Consulting, we equip you with confidence, clarity, and consistency.


Choose what mindsets, beliefs, values, and routines work for you. Find value aligned friendships that encourage your health, peace, and recovery.


Step into your authority as a leader in your personal life and professional life without doubting yourself.


We guide you through our Focus 4 Approach to create a life you enjoy living. We equip you to follow through on the decisions and goals identified in therapy by choice instead of by requirement or social pressure.

Control Your Narrative Sessions

When we take authorship of our lives we are able to be at peace inwardly and outwardly. Through my Focus 4 Approach, you are able to make decisions with your heart and walk away from making decisions based on the beliefs and opinions of others.

Through my non-clinical approach I am able to work with you creatively and equip you to have a course of action for non-emergency, high priority and often highly emotional situations.

When we have difficult conversations with people that we care about it can be intimidating or even cause emotional overload.

You are taught how to create a plan for communicating your needs and goals in a way that honors how your brain works. You are then provided with accountability, encouragement, and follow up support.

Scheduling a control your narrative session empowers you to choose your own priorities free from others that are often biased by their own motivations.

Bloom with Me

Do you have excellent progress in therapy but when you get around certain people find that you have physical issues?

When the people around us are not supportive of the positive changes in our lives they may try to pull us back into mindsets and behaviors.

With the Focus 4 Approach, physical peace is a reality, important relationships are preserved, and a life you are excited to live is created.

These packages provide virtual, 1:1, and immersive support in a way that can work for neurodivergent women in leadership.

Working outside of a therapeutic framework allows me to have more flexibility, and work with clients in their space.

This approach encourages open communication, focuses on strengths, and provides context based solutions.

By choosing the Bloom Program you are equipped with Focus 4 Strategies in your own element, without being in clinical settings.

Co Creating Opportunities

Neurodivergence in women is typically not identified into early to mid adulthood.

This is because when people hear Autism or ADHD/ADD they reflexively picture a second grade boy.

Co-creators are other professionals certified or licensed to help people in other major areas of life, including but not limited to:

Real Estate Agents

Estate/Trust Planners



Social Workers/Therapists

Healthcare Professionals

Educators & Administrators

Clergy & Religious Leadership

Teach your community to be creative, adaptive, and approachable for neurodivergent women then watch your business bloom.

Work with me

and learn how to make life significantly easier for your clients. Cocreator costs are discussed during discovery calls and depend upon the activity.


Hello! I am Katie Green. I work with neurodivergent women and adult women who grew up in a dysfunctional family. In this case, neurodivergent refers to autistic women, women with ADHD/ADD, learning differences, and sensory needs.

Open Hours

Monday - Saturday 8am-1pm

Closed Sunday

Contact Info

In Person In Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, and Riverside Counties

Virtual Services Available


Telephone: 949-993-7221

@ Copyright 2024 Hope Reignited Consulting LLC | All rights reserved