
Hello! I am Katie Green. I work with neurodivergent women and adult women who grew up in a dysfunctional family. In this case, neurodivergent refers to autistic women, women with ADHD/ADD, learning differences, and sensory needs.

Open Hours

Monday - Saturday 8am-1pm

Closed Sunday

Contact Info

In Person In Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, and Riverside Counties

Virtual Services Available

Email: hopereignitedconsulting@gmail.com

Telephone: 949-993-7221

Let's chat

I'd love to connect 1-on-1 to see where we fit in each other's professional lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule an appointment?

Click my Calendly link to a consultation and we will find what works best for you.

Where do you work?

I have flexibility in terms of work location. I may work virtually from home or go to clients. I am based in Irvine California and service six counties within Southern California. Since I am not in a clinical context I am able to go to homes, workplaces, or (when there is a release of information) I may join them for important take-care-of-life appointments such as psychiatry, DMV, meetings with their employer, etc. Also, since I am not licensed I am not limited to California residents only.

What theories do you draw from in your work?

Although I am non-clinical I do have extensive psychology education and have chosen theories that give a great frame of reference when working with others. These include, Rogerian (Humanistic), Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (specific ally self-soothing, distraction, and radical acceptance).

I have a loved one who might be interested what should I do next?

Thank you for reaching out! Before you complete the referral process here are a few things to keep in mind: Your loved one needs to be physically stable and already working with a therapist. There are deep topics around trauma history and family dynamics that need to be addressed by a licensed mental health clinician (LMFT, Social Workers, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor). If they are already seeing a licensed mental health clinician and need extra support implementing the skills learned in therapy in their relationships then you may share the website with them and they can choose to book a consultation.

What are co-creators?

Co-creators are people that I work with on a specific project such as work shop or training or event. Co-creators are professionals that would like me to join them as a guest in their space in front of their audience.

If you're interested in being a co-creator email me at hopereignitedconsulting@gmail.com with your request.

How will I benefit from your services? What results can I expect?

You will benefit by having a life you are excited to wake up and participate in. You will be equipped to make life changes so you have less physical signs of mental stress. You will have the tools you need to stick up for yourself while protecting the relationships that are important to you. You will be guided in developing different plans for situations that are out of your control so any outcome is bearable. This depends on personal effort and ability to follow through on things discussed in session. Appropriate referrals will be provided for legal, law enforcement, health, or housing related needs.

You will be given insight needed to step back into the drivers seat of your life.

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